Welcome Message

This blog is called “Game On” and is dedicated to helping you be a better coach, mentor and motivator. I also hope it helps you find a balance in your coaching and personal life.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:

- motivation
- protecting yourself from liability
- coaching issues you should know about
- Current events
- Life issues
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My hope is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your coaching and personal life.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Your Words Have Power...

Did you read an article in yesterday’s newspaper by Travis Reed from the Associated Press about the death of an old major league ballplayer named Bill Henry? Normally, an article like this only catches my attention because I’m a sports junkie; however this one had added intrigue. It turns out the Bill Henry who died after decades of claiming he was the Bill Henry who pitched in a World Series for the Cincinnati Reds in 1961 and was an All-Star in 1960, was actually lying. His name was Bill Henry alright; however the former major leaguer is still alive and kicking in Texas! The deceased Mr. Henry had been fibbing to his family (third wife of 20 years believed him), friends, and anyone else who cared to ask for over two decades. He even had pictures taken of him and his wife with “his” baseball cards in the foreground. His golfing pals are in shock (probably wondering how many strokes he concealed over the years) and are having a hard time believing this could happen. Needless to say, that small community in Florida is in shock and probably feeling a bit betrayed.

This article isn’t meant to bad-mouth the deceased Mr. Henry, or preach about the ills of dishonesty. That one is a given. However, we should use this also as an example of the power of our words and the effect on those who hear them.

Think about Mr. Henry’s words for the past two decades. His family and friends took him at his word not only for his baseball claims, but in everything else he did in life. Now, with this revelation, does it call into question everything he did?

How important are your words? To whom does your message go? Whether you like it or not, you are a role-model and mentor for your student-athletes. If you coach youth sports like Pee Wees or Little League, you are a primary influence in their lives. The message you send out at practice, during games, and to parents not only shapes what they think about you, but also what they may model for behavior. Your message has power.

The moral of this blog is to be attentive to your words and actions. Not only will they define who you are; but they may also influence other people in your lives. You are, or will be, a role model to somebody…make your message count.


P.S. Do you want to add power and persuasion to your message? You can get some helpful tips and suggestions from my new educational CD titled, Panic to Power: Swift & Simple Speaking Strategies Anyone Can Use. You will see an image to your right with a link to purchase. Be the communicator you want to be and your athletes need you to be!

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