Welcome Message

This blog is called “Game On” and is dedicated to helping you be a better coach, mentor and motivator. I also hope it helps you find a balance in your coaching and personal life.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:

- motivation
- protecting yourself from liability
- coaching issues you should know about
- Current events
- Life issues
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My hope is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your coaching and personal life.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Sixty-one years. That's how long ago it was when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947. Not only was MLB changed forever, so was our country. Robinson went on to win the Rookie of the Year and was the MVP two seasons later. In a sense, he is one of the MVP's of out nation in the 20th century. Robinson showed the courage to fight against discrimination, racism, and the pressure that this role in history threw at him. Kudos also to Branch Rickey of the then-Brooklyn Dodgers to have the guts to sign him.

Do you show that same type of courage in much "smaller" matters? When a player needs to be benched or taken off the team due to discipline or academic reasons, do you have the courage to take the right action? When you have to face an ethical decision with the big game on the line, say playing an injured athlete, do you do the right thing? Do you have the courage to confront unreasonable parents to keep the drama around your team to a minimum?

Jackie Robinson not only is a civil rights hero, he is a great role model for coaches and athletes who want to be courageous.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Changes coming!

To all you coaches who read my blogs, my apologies for not being a consistent blogger. I am making some changes to my services for coaches and will soon be introducing a web site dedicated to just coaches. This will be out in the next 30 days. I promise you will be the first to hear about it. Thank you for your ongoing support.
