Welcome Message

This blog is called “Game On” and is dedicated to helping you be a better coach, mentor and motivator. I also hope it helps you find a balance in your coaching and personal life.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:

- motivation
- protecting yourself from liability
- coaching issues you should know about
- Current events
- Life issues
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My hope is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your coaching and personal life.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Last Lecture

I just received an e-mail from a good friend who sent this You Tube video out. You need to see it. I had heard the name Dr. Randy Pausch from my friend Doug Petch, but I didn't know why he mentioned him. I should have asked.

Want to get out of the blues? Want to be energized? Need a pick me up on life or just your day?

Watch this video by clicking here -


We do have a choice in how we approach life...thanks for the reminder!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Last night, I spent a good portion of my evening working on my Rotary Auction project as I'm the chair of the committee. I came upstairs, bleery-eyed after a couple of hours of working...ready to hit the stack.

My wife Barb was sitting on the coach waiting for me and asked, "Dan, do you know what tomorrow is?"

My reply - "Thursday."

Her facetious response was fitting - "Boy, did I marry the most romantic guy!"


Happy Valentines Day to everyone, especially Barb!


P.S. Speaking of my auction, you can help support our cause regardless of where you live. We are doing an online auction starting March 4 and running through April 18. To donate an item or register to bid, go to http://poulsborotary.cmarket.com. Help us make a difference in the lives of millions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The General Retires

Any of you who have been a basketball coach respect Bob Knight for his knowledge. You may not care for all his methods , but his genius is unquestionable. You probably have heard that Knight stepped down yesterday after 42 years as a head coach at Army, Indiana, and Texas Tech. The number of athletes and coaches he has influenced is enormous, assuredly including people he never met. In faxct, I can consider myself one of them.

Certainly, his tactics, antics, and methods were not models for me. His attention to detail, knowledge, and dedication to the game were. His passion for discipline was also important. Even though it may not always be acceptable, you will find his players at every stage intensely loyal to him.

The game will miss him for his personality, his passion, and his skill. College basketball...in fact basketball as a whole...is better off because of him. Happy retirement Coach.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Game On!

Funny how life works out sometimes, isn't it? The New England Patriots were crowned the best team in the league...the best team of the decade...maybe even the best team EVER midway through the season. They had the golden boy, Tom Brady. They had the revitalized all-pro Randy Moss. They had the genius coach wearing the ugly hoodie. Their destiny would be 19-0 and their claim to the greatest team ever was inevitable.

The only problem was that no one bothered to tell the New York Giants. Even if they did, it wouldn't have mattered. The Giants were a team that started 0-2. The coach was on the hot seat. The quarterback couldn't lead. They couldn't play as a team.

As it turned out, all those assumptions were wrong and they proved themselves the best team in the world on Sunday. Why? Becasue more than the Patriots, they played as a team. They overcame adversity. They didn't listen to their critics. They believed in themselves when no one else would. In the end, they stand on top of the mountains as champions.

What about you? Does your team face adversity? How does it respond? How do you respond? You don't have to be an NFL team to show true character and great teamwork. You don't even have to win the Lombardi Trophy to walk away as a winner. To play the game and live your life as a true champion, you must exhibit all the traits that the Giants showed the world last night - teamwork, passion, confidence, and commitment. And...as Nike so concisely says, "Leave Nothing"!
