Welcome Message

This blog is called “Game On” and is dedicated to helping you be a better coach, mentor and motivator. I also hope it helps you find a balance in your coaching and personal life.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:

- motivation
- protecting yourself from liability
- coaching issues you should know about
- Current events
- Life issues
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My hope is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your coaching and personal life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is FUNNY

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation to the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. After the event, I was talking with several attendees as they were leaving, and one gentleman happened to catch my eye. I noticed that his name badge said "Weedin". Not seeing too many people with MY last name, I took a closer look to see what his first name was. To my surprise, it said "Kelli". Why was I surprised? Well, because that's my daughter's name!Turns out this man's name was "Kelly" and he was rushing in as the event was starting. The lady at registration asked his name and he said "Kelly". Well, my Kelli was originally going to come with me, but was sick and couldn't come. She had a name tag all set for her. You can guess what happened! The registration lady peeled off "Kelli Weedin" and gave it to this gentleman who wore it the entire time without realizing it. We shared a good laugh about that one. I told him that the story would definitely end up in a speech somewhere, and of course in my blog.


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