Welcome Message

This blog is called “Game On” and is dedicated to helping you be a better coach, mentor and motivator. I also hope it helps you find a balance in your coaching and personal life.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:

- motivation
- protecting yourself from liability
- coaching issues you should know about
- Current events
- Life issues
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My hope is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your coaching and personal life.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Game Plan for 2008 - Stay Out of Trouble

Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, you are coaching in a culture that is quick to judge, assume, and allege. My goal isn't to scare you...simply to make you aware. You may think that abuse and molestation allegations are the most important liability issues to protect yourself from, and maybe you're right. However, there are many ways to get yourself in trouble.

One sure way to get a parent angry with you is to leave high school-aged and younger athletes alone while they wait for parents to pick them up. If you coach girls, this exposure goes up a lot. I've experienced this twice when my daughters were part of a team and I know how I felt as a parent. As a coach, you are responsible for your athletes' well being. Leaving them unprotected on a dark night in a parking lot leaves you culpable.

Now, you may be wondering about being left alone with a student and which is worse. My answer is two-fold. First, your athlete's safety is paramount...never sacrifice their well being for your protection. Second, make sure you have another coach or parent with you - in advance - in case a situation like this occurs. Some prior planning goes a long way to protecting your athlete and you.

Do you need some more protection tips as the 2008 school year begins? That's why I'm holding my 3-part teleseminar called Sex, Lies, and Violence: Protecting Yourself from Liability for Coaches. You will learn ways to best protect you and your student-athletes. Click here to learn more...

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